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Cancer is among the most complex and difficult of any human disease to treat. A patient diagnosed with cancer should always defer to his or her physician for primary care. Keeping this in mind, a number of individuals have achieved remission by following a natural protocol and some of the principles outlined in this section.
It is important to note that many natural therapies - especially those using essential oils - work best in the early stages of cancer. In fact, all clinical trials are showing that Frankincense is the number one inhibitor of many cancers. Citrus oils, high in d-limonene, including Orange, Grapefruit, and Tangerine, work better as cancer preventatives than cancer treatments, although they have been tested to have powerful, anticancer properties in all stages of cancer.
A study at Charing Cross Hospital in London, England, published in 1998 achieved close to a 15 percent remission rate in patients with advanced colon and breast cancer using doses from 1 to 15 grams of d-limonene from Orange oil as their only treatment.
The Foundation of Natural Cancer Treatment
Natural treatment of cancer or any illness is a highly debated topic, but when you faced with cancer, finding solutions become important
Emotions and Cancer
Cancer should always be treated first by discovering the underlying emotions that contributed to the onset of the disease. In many cases, negative emotions and trauma not only trigger the beginning of cancer but can further its metastasis. Any kind of negative emotion - anger, fear, rage, helplessness, abandonment - can cause the cancer to spread.
When essential oils are used as the basis of an emotional program, they can have powerfully positive effects in improving the attitude and emotional well-being and potential outcome of the disease. Essential oil blends such as White Angelica, Release, Grounding, Inner Child, Trauma Life, Forgiveness, Joy, Common Sense, Hope, Believe, Peace & Calming, Valor and SARA, can form the centre of any emotional care regimen. (See chapter on emotional support)
Cleansing and Removing toxin
Industrial pollutants such as benzene and lead, along with lifestyle toxins such as cigarette smoke, chemicals heterocyclic amines from overcooked meat, and many others contribute to a vast majority of cancers. Even daily radiation from computers, cell phones, and a vast number of electrical appliances may contribute to a toxic overload within the body.
Today's fast-food industry is a major culprit in selling so much nutritionally deficient food that we eat. Processed food is fast and convenient, but is it worth the threat to our health? Cosmetics, hair sprays, dyes, soaps, paints, and household cleaners add to an endless list of pollutants in our environment and toxicity to which we are subjected.
To help lower the risk of cancer, it is important to reduce the exposure to these chemicals and change our diet and the products that we use in our environment. The chemicals should be avoided at all cost, as they can damage the DNA, decrease immunity, promotes oncogenes (genes that can turn normal cells into cancer cells), and accelerate cancer development.
Cleansing and Chelation
The foundation of any cancer program should begin with a period of cleansing. Cleansing and chelation can help remove some of the toxin -and petrochemical- buildup that may have triggered the cancer initially.
Fasting can one of the single, most powerful, anticancer tool available, particularly in the early stages. Anyone who is in advanced stages of cancer must cleanse very slowly to see how the body responds. Going without food and drinking only juices immediately could be detrimental to a sick body. Common sense needs to be used in all situations.
Essential oils that improve liver function and promote glutathione can form the center of any detoxification program. Lemon and Orange oils, in studies at John Hopkins University, have shown to substantially increase glutathione levels in the liver and colon, which have beneficial effects on detoxification.
Chelation can be particularly important in removing carcinogenic metals from the body. Studies in the Germany have shown that transition metals such as iron, mercury, lead, zinc, nickel, and cadmium can accumulate to high levels in tumors, particularly in breast cancer tissue. A series of chelation to eliminate these metals can produces tremendous benefits in the earliest stage of cancer.
Rice bran is a good chelator of metals and contains anticancer phytonutrients such as gamma oryzanol and other compounds. It is also rich in immune stimulating arabinoxylans that can increase cancer cell death.
The Ningxia Wolfberry is rich in polysaccharides that similarly amplify immunity. A number of clinical research trials have shown that wolfberry compounds can dramatically improve cancer remission, particularly when combined with immune-stimulating therapies.
Cleansing products suitable for most cancers
Many products support the body in its cleansing process. You will not able to take aal the cleansing products, so decide which ones you want to take and how much you want to take of each product. Write down your program so you can follow it consistently. Start slowly so your body can adjust and begins to cleanse.
Cleansing : Essentialzyme, Detoxyzyme, Essentialzymes-4, JuvaPower, JuvaTone, Comfortone, DiGize, GLF, JuvaCleanse, JuvaFLex, Ningxia Red
Emotional Support: Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense, Lavender, Palo Santo, Rose, Ylang ylang, Amazonian Ylang ylang, Acceptance, Believe, Brain Power, Common Sense, Dream Catcher, Gathering, Envision, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Harmony, Hope, Joy, Live with Passion, Motivation, Present Time, Peace & Calming, RutaVala, RutaVala Roll-On, The Gift, Transformation, Valor, White Angelica
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Enzyme Ramping Protocol
Essentialzyme was formulated in 1984 with this protocol for someone suffering degenerative disease.
Phase 1 : Take 3 tablets 3 times daily. Increase by 1 tablet everyday until you become nauseous and the discontinue Essentialzyme for 24 to 36 hours.
Phase 2 : Take 4 tablets 3 times daily. Increase daily by 1 tablet until you become nauseous. Res (discontinue) again for 24 to 36hours.
Phase 3: Take 5 tablets 3 times daily. Increase daily by 1 tablet until you become nauseous. Rest for 24-36hours.
Phase 4 : Start again with the amount that you were taking before the nausea occurred in the Phase 3. For example : If you are taking 18 tablets, you would be taking 6 tablets 3 times daily until you become nauseous.
Therefore, start Phase 4 again with 6 tablets 3 times daily and continue with this amount for 6 weeks.
Phase 5 : In the 7th week, start the enzyme-ramping program all over again. This means to begin phase 1 again and increase the amount by 1 each day until nausea or vomiting starts again. Repeat and continue for 6 weeks as previously described.
If your doctor determines that you are in remission, you can maintain with 5-10 yablets daily for 1 year , 6 days a week.
Maintenance : Take 5-10 Essentialzyme tablets 3 times daily.
Caution : This is a very rigorous program, so you should consult with your doctor or health-care professionals before starting and have that person monitor your progress during the program.
Why Fasting Work
New research has uncovered that insulin receptors make cancer cells different from normal cells. Cancer cells have over 10 times the number of receptors for insulin as a normal cell. Excess insulin can stimulate cancer cells disproportionately compared to well-differentitated cells.
The most effective way of lowering both insulin and blood glucose levels is with a fast. Bernard Jensen, ND, used a 180-day fast, made initially of only barley grass juice, to fight and eliminate metastatic prostrate cancer. Even a partial fast in which refined carbohydrates are eliminated and caloric intake is reduced to 500 - 1000 calories can be potentially very therapeutic.
Determining Hormone Sensitivity
Women dealing with breast, ovarian, uterine and cervical cancer in most cases can be estrogen receptor sensitive, yet doctors will continue to give and recommend HRT (Hormone replacement therapy) made from xenoestrogens that come from petrochemicals, compounds that are known to promote and cause cancer, before determining is a patient has cancer in the early stages of development.
However, we must understand the mechanism of what happens. First cholesterol cascades down to pregnenolone to progesterone and then to androgens that divide and go to ovaries and testes.
In the ovaries, the androgens, called androstenedione, cross the basal membrane, where they are converted to the estradiol sex hormones such as estradiol, estrone, and estriol. The ovaries produce primarily estradiol. Most free circulating estrone stems from a conversion of estradiol in the liver, even though the ovaries produce small amount of estrone.
The liver plays a major role as the chemistry laboratory of the body. Because the liver is the body's largest fat-storing organ, it will hold petrochemicals known as xenoestrogens that are cancer-causing agents. Xenoestrogens disrupt the conversion of estradiol and cause a division of the estrone.
The division will either negative or positive. If estradiol converts to 16-alpha-hydroxyestrone, a cancer causing agent, this estrone will then bind to the estrogen receptor in female and male reproductive organs. If estradiol converts to 2hydroxyestrone, a cancer preventing steroid hormone, it will bind or stick to the receptors, protecting them from harmful estrone. This has caused a lot of controversy among he natural health and allopathic practitioner for years.
Natural hormones produced in the body are referred to as steroid hormones. Synthetic hormones are called nonsteroid hormones. Most people do not understand that plant hormones are neither steroid nor nonsteroid hormones. They are natural phytohormones that encourage the production of 2-hydoxyestrone, the cancer preventive hormone that does not bind or stick to receptor sites contrary to the nonsteroid hormones that cause inflammation and cysts on the ovaries.
There is no evidence that phytohormones will stimulate estrogen-sensitive cancer. Phytohormones are the same as the hormone-supporting chemical compounds found in the essential oil of Fennel, Clary Sage, Melissa, Lemongrass, Sage, etc.
There is also no reason to be concerned about food unless it is a GMO food like soy. Herbs like black cohosh do not stimulate estrogen-sensitive cancer. Quite simply they are neither steroid- nor nonsteroid- stimulating hormones.
Another concern is to understand that metabolic enzymes are required to help facilitate steroid hormone conversion. When the body and liver are toxic, this becomes a serious problem, creating a metabolic enzyme deficiency. In the absence of metabolic enzymes and a toxic liver, estradiol is converted to 16-hydroxyestrone, the cancer-causing hormone.
The hormones that naturally occur in milk require metabolic hormones to ensure they are converted to 2-hydroxyestrone. When the milk goes through the pasteurization process, it kills the enzymes necessary for the 2-hydroxyestrone conversion and converts to the cancer-causing 16-alpha-hydroxyestrone.
Essentialzyme is the metabolic enzyme, which makes it so important for daily prevention and good health.
Pasturized milk is also a concern because milk contain steroid hormones fed to cows. When milk products are pasteurized and homogenized, whether it's milk, cheese, butter, cottage cheese or any other milk product containing steroid hormones, the pasteurization destroys the natural enzymes, thus preventing the production of 2-hydroxyestrone, the cancer=prevention steroid, and instead converts into 16-alpha-hydroxyestrone, the cancer causing hormone.
This is where the controversy begins and the misunderstanding of estrogen sensitive cancers become a problem. It is easy to see how processed and non-processed foods affect the outcome of our health.
This does not apply only to women but applies to men as well. Men has estrogen also and will respond the same way to both phytoestrogens and mycoestrogens (estrogens produced by fungi found in stored grains) and that stimulate the production of 16-alpha-hydroxyestrone. If there were more focus on eating unprocessed foods; cleansing the liver of toxins, petrochemicals, and undigested pollutants; and improving and building a reserve of metabolic enzymes, there would be much less cancer.
πCancer and Antioxidant
It is recommended to seek the advice from a healthcare professional before embarking on any antioxidant program. Some studies have reported that certain antioxidants can reduce the effectiveness of some types of chemotherapy such as cisplatin.
A large number of other studies have found the opposite, showing that antioxidants can improve patient remissions and prognosis. In the case of radiation treatments, a number of well-controlled studies have similarly found that antioxidants can improve patient outcomes dramatically and counter the injury and immune suppression caused by these therapies.
In fact, a 2010 human study by A. Pace found that vitamin E had a neuroprotective effect against the serious, adverse effects of cisplastin. (1)
Similar to DNA-protective essential oils; antioxidants produce their best results as cancer preventives and in the earliest stage of cancer. As cancer progresses, the likelihood of meaningful remissions using only antioxidants declines rapidly.
Research conducted at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, and the UNLV Cancer Research Institute identified some of the most inhibitory essential oils against a variety of cancer cell lines. The oils were also tested for their lack of toxicity to normal cells.
πInflammation and Cancer
The link between cancer and inflammation has become stronger in recent years. It is well known. that the salicylates in aspirin have high anti- inflammatory effects and reduce the risk of colon cancer dramatically.
The natural salicylates found in the essential oil of Wintergreen are very close in structure to the acetyl salicylic acid found in aspirin. According to Erica Leibert of Harvard University. Wintergreen oil is 40 percent stronger than an aspirin equivalent with very similar anti-inflammatory properties.
Clove has been researched as a potential chemopreventive agent for lung cancer because of its powerful ati-inflammatory effects. (2) The biochemical alpha-humulene in the oil, also found in Idaho Balsam Fir and Copaiba, has been shown to have significant cancer prevention properties through its anti-inflammatory action (3).
Frankincense and other conifer oils like Idaho Balsam Fir containing l-limonene are coming to the forefront of attention in cancer research in various cancer-treatment study programs at Oklahoma State University, Wake Forest University, and Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine.
The l-limonene found in Frankincense, Idaho Blue Spruce, and Idaho Balsam Fir shows a remarkable ability to suppress tumor growth, particularly in melanoma. Boswellic acid found in frankincense gum resin have also been shown to have powerful, anti-inflammatory effects. Myrrh gum has been studied for its ability to combat various cancers, including breast cancer.
Anti-inflammatory Essential Oils Suitable for most cancers :Frankincense, Clove, Idaho Balsam Fir, Palo Santo, Ledum, Myrrh, Wintergreen
πImmunity and Cancer
Enhancing immune function is a vital component of both traditional and complementary approaches to cancer. Typically, chemotherapy and radiation can drastically break down population of T-cells and NK (natural killer) cells that are responsible for fighting tumor growth. Certain natural compound can restore levels of these critical immune components.
(1) Pace A, et al. "Vitamin E neuroprotection for cisplatin neuropathy: a randomized, placebo controlled trial" Neurology, 2010 Mar 2;74(9):762-6
(2) Banerjee S., Panda CKL, Das S., "Clove (Syzgium aromaticum L) a potential chemopreventive agent for lung cancer" Carcinogenesis 2006 Aug:27(8)1645-54, Epub 2006 Feb 25.
(3) Legault J, et al. "Antitumor activity of balsam fir oil ; production of reactive oxygen species induced by alpha humulene as possible mechanism of action" Planta Med. 2003 May:69(5);402-7
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